Hypno for war heroes
£30.00 inc. tax
What is PTSD?
Of course, feeling fear when facing a scary or potentially dangerous situation is entirely normal. In fact, this fear is essential to our survival. It triggers reactions in the body which aim to save our life if threatened. This fight or flight reaction is natural and works to protect us.
Most people will experience a number of reactions after facing trauma, though will typically recover a short while after the event. For some people, however, these symptoms do not ease. They may feel frightened and stressed, and have flashbacks long after the event, and during regular situations. It's when these symptoms do not disappear and start to hinder everyday life that PTSD may be diagnosed.
What are the causes?
Anyone can be affected by PTSD. The anxiety disorder can develop after a frightening, life-threatening or distressing event, or after a prolonged traumatic experience.
Types of events thought to lead to post-traumatic stress disorder include:
serious road accidents
violent assault
prolonged abuse
military combat
natural disasters
witnessing violent deaths or the unexpected injury or death of a loved one
Post-traumatic stress disorder is thought to affect one in every three people who have a traumatic experience. It is not yet clear why some people develop the condition, and others dont. PTSD can develop immediately after the experience, or it can appear weeks, months, or even years after.
PTSD can have a detrimental effect on a persons life. People with PTSD are likely to have other symptoms, related to the condition, such as:
Other mental health problems, including anxiety, depression or phobias.
Physical symptoms, including headaches, chest pains, stomach aches and dizziness.
Self-harming or destructive behaviour, including drug or alcohol misuse.
Without the right knowledge and support, dealing with PTSD can be a very lonely time. The condition can in some cases, lead to relationship breakdowns and work-related problems.
War veterans and other people with PTSD may experience severe headaches and anxiety attacks, crying spells, depression, heavy sweats, sustained unexplainable pains and develop phobias or irrational fears that may or may not be related to the actual traumatic event.
Children can also be affected by PTSD. They will typically experience similar symptoms to adults, however, there are some symptoms more specific to children, such as bedwetting, separation anxiety or increased worry when away from adults or re-enacting the event through play.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Some people have found hypnotherapy a helpful tool to cope better with PTSD symptoms. Hypnotherapy, coupled with other techniques is thought to be an effective way to process troublesome memories of trauma.
Trauma can cause a person to disconnect from their own internal sense of safety. So, the sooner the emotions are managed, the sooner the person will recover. Hypnotherapy can help you cope with the trauma and learn how to regain a sense of control and normality in your life.
The premise behind hypnotherapy is that it aims to access your unconscious and change the negative thoughts that are holding you back. Using the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy works to promote positive change. The suggestions used will depend on your symptoms and what you wish to gain from your sessions. Here at apath we will tailor techniques to you, helping you to manage symptoms and recognise potential triggers, as well as changing the way you react towards them.
Hypnosis gives you permission to do the things that make you laugh and be happy. When you are threatened, your body and mind are programmed to focus on survival with total tunnel vision. Yet if this "state of alert" continues for too long, it will wear you down, depriving you of the stamina needed for the longer task of rebuilding your life.
The worst thing you can do is to "just forget about it" or to "medicate it away" by drugs, alcohol, or anti-depressant medication. These will only lead to cover up the crack whilst the root problem will keep growing with in, finding more ways to show itself in the form of physical or mental dis-ease. If you do not allow the trauma to make you stronger, it will just eat you away and may even kill you. The choice is yours.
You have the POWER to cure yourself and the formula to totally stop any war/battle/conflict going on in your mind or body, no one else can truly heal you. Any pain or suffering experienced is screaming out for you to take notice and action on, it is not there to be ignored or covered up with dangerous medications/drugs. High dosages of prescribed drugs or alcohol do block communication with your body and make this work impossible to achieve.
Disclaimer: To comply with UK and European Law, it is a requirement that any advice sought from this website is for educational purposes only and in no way is intended to replace or super-code medical advice. Always consult your Doctor or GP for any ailments.
£30.00 inc. tax
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